Santa Rosa, CA
The Roseland Village Neighborhood Center is a public/private partnership between MidPen Housing Development Corporation, UrbanMix Development, and the Sonoma County Community Development Commission. The project aligns with community-led efforts to strengthen Roseland’s economic resiliency, expand housing choice, and improve community health. When completed, the project will:
Deliver a public plaza that serves as Roseland’s community hub and sustains Roseland’s civic, cultural, artistic, and commercial life.
Provide rental apartments affordable to diverse households, from market rate to affordable residences for lower-income households
Provide a flexible building design which can accommodate various community uses, including a public library and other community serving programs.
Create a Mercado Food Hub which provides space for local food enterprises and supports local business entrepreneurship.
Provide pedestrian, bike, and bus linkages to neighborhood and regional employment, educational, service, and recreational amenities.
Catalyze the revitalization of Sebastopol Road.
Project Type:
Public/Private Partnership
Apartments/Mixed -Use Urban Redevelopment
Transit Oriented – 10 min. bike ride to SMART Station
Project Details:
7.4 Acres
75 Affordable Rental Units (MidPen Housing)
100 Market Rate Rental Units (UrbanMix)
25,000 SF Civic Building (Library)
12,000 SF Mercado “Food Hall”
1 Acre Public Plaza
Market Rate Apartments Development Cost:
$25 Million
Project Manager/Entitlements
Entitlement Process Underway; Construction Start Estimated TBD